Working Together

a group of people together

Next, you will want to start thinking about how to organize this newly-formed group.

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Organizing your group

Organizing your group includes discussing whether you want something formal with specific roles and responsibilities - for example having a ‘chair’ who facilitates the meetings or a ‘secretary’ who takes and circulates meeting notes. Or if you would like something more informal, where you simply lay out the basics of when and where to meet. 


There is no right answer. Whatever suits the people in the room is just fine. The below ‘establishing the group’ worksheet contains some clarifying questions that may be helpful in figuring it out.

Pick a name

Now before you go introducing your group to the rest of your community, you will need to pick a name! Find a name that explains what you are doing and speaks to your why. Try for something people won't forget easily. Some examples include ‘NORC Connectors’ and ‘Spirit Never Ages’.

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