Formalizing Your Group

As your group solidifies over time and new members are added, you might find there is a need to formalize the structure of your group. This can be helpful in sustaining clear communication, good group functioning, and ensuring equal opportunity for meaningful participation.
Group structure
There are a few key areas you may want to consider, such as making a list of roles and responsibilities that your group needs to function, and assigning members to specific tasks.
Some examples include:
- Chairing meeting
- Taking meeting notes
- Booking rooms
- Communications & Outreach (posters, emails, etc)
- Key contact person (building management, service providers, residents)
- Technology support
In order for groups to function well, it can be helpful to agree on how decisions will be made and actions agreed upon. Is it preferable to go with consensus-based decision-making, where concerns are expressed and worked through before adopting a course of action? Or is your group more comfortable with voting and majority rules?
There is no right way. Whatever style you choose will likely depend on pre-existing conditions, including the size of the group, historical tensions within the building, or degree of alignment on values and vision. Whatever the case may be, it can be helpful to be explicit about discussing your process and proceeding with a course of action that seems best.
Alternative approaches
In some cases it may feel too heavy handed to formalize your group in this way and a lighter tough approach may be warranted. Some community groups have found it useful to adopt a simple project charter or code of conduct that lists shared values. This approach is a great way of supporting continuity of the group over time as new members join, and establishing members move on to other endeavours.