Do It Yourself Guide
A step-by step guide to help you start, implement and sustain an aging in place group in your own community.
What is an aging in place group?
Many older adults want to continue living at home for as long as possible, and would benefit greatly from the support of caring neighbours. From everyday tasks such as helping take out the garbage or picking something up at the store, to creating more opportunities for social connection, helping neighbours to age in place can look like many things.
The following ‘do it yourself’ guide is intended to help community members start their own ‘aging in place’ groups that are focused on mutual support. It is primarily directed at residents living in high-rise buildings, but could equally apply to those living in the same neighbourhood or block.
The guide is broken into 3 categories: STARTING, DOING and SUSTAINING. Under each category there are different topics to consider, as well as tools and templates that might be helpful.
Given that each of your communities are completely unique, you may choose to travel across these categories in a way that best suits your needs. This is completely encouraged! Start where you want and use it as you wish. We welcome any and all feedback on how it could be improved.

Learn how to gather a group of like-minded neighbours and figure out what your community needs.

Learn about the mechanics of running aging in place activities, and find tools and templates to make it all work.

This last section focuses on the sustainability of your efforts, and presents some options for helping to prevent burn out and fading away.